Maxwell Murphy
University of California, Berkeley
PhD in Biostatistics (2019 - 2024)
MA in Biostatistics (2017 - 2019)
BA in Molecular and Cell Biology (2009 - 2013)
Programming Languages
- R
- Python
- C++
- Typescript
- Bayesian Statistics/MCMC
- Survival Analysis
- Regression/Machine Learning
- Experimental Design
- Causal Inference
University of California, Berkeley
Instructor and Coordinator: Biostatistics Outreach Workshop (Spring 2023)
Graduate Student Instructor for Public Health 252E: Advanced Topics in Causal Inference (Spring 2023)
Graduate Student Instructor for Data 100: Principles and Techniques of Data Science (Spring 2019)
MOIRE (Multiplicity of Infection and Allele Frequency Recovery from Noisy Polyalleleic Data)
A Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) based approach to Bayesian estimation of individual level multiplicity of infection, within host relatedness, and population allele frequencies from polyallelic genetic data.
MicroSPAT (Microsatellite Parameterized Analysis Tools)
A GUI for semi-automated analysis of raw capillary electrophoresis (CE) data output by the ABI 3730, designed specifically for working with multi-allelic samples. Developed to improve speed, reproducibility and consistency of microsatellite analysis between analysts. No longer actively developed.
A GUI application for managing biological sample tracking that use Micronics or similar sample barcoding systems. Superceded by newer generation SampleDB, but still in use by some labs.
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